Sunday, April 26, 2009

Feather Love

Hello!  So, I'll be the first one to spill the beans and tell you all that my blog mate 'Rocky' a.k.a Soo is getting married!  I am always so excited to hear about new plans over early morning coffee in the lunch room at work, and when I stumbled across this photographer and her absolutely stunning engagement photo's I couldn't wait to post about them, and dedicate this post to my partner in crime.  
Noa Azoulay-Sclater is a photographer based out of San Diego.  I am in LOVE with her wedding pictures, and you HAVE to check out her site.  She also has a fun blog.


  1. this is great! since we're not going to have a professional photographer for the actual wedding, we were discussing the potential of doing a short engagement photo session...but seeing as how i'm getting that camera soon, who knows! this blog will give inspiration for my amateur attempt! thanks katrina-

  2. Awesome photography! I love it!
